Sport had been played on the field situated between High Grove Road and the now Kingsway since the late 1800’s. The site of the Bowling green was once the paddock and stables which housed the horse that used to pull the machinery that serviced the cricket field. Tennis courts were built and a bowling green proposed. Lacrosse was played in the winter months. In 1932 a crisis arose, as notice to quit was received the land being required for building houses. After prolonged negotiations had taken place, arrangements were made to purchase, and backed by support from the Urban District Council and many Cheadle and Gatley residents . On 11th March 1933 a group of local business men acquired the land for £2400.00 Giving Cheadle and Gatley a wonderful 6 acre site designated for sport. The bowling green was completed and opened in March 1937.
Saturday April 20th Open Day 12 noon until 5pm
Thursday 2nd May (Local Election) Cheadle Sports Main Clubhouse being used as a Polling station
Monday 6th May Bank Holiday Members only BBQ 1pm
Friday 31st May Miller mixed pairs at Parkside Bowling Club aged 60+ to enter. Let the committee know your names if you fancy playing
Thursday 25th July Bryning Mixed Pairs. Cheadle hosting the all day event from 10am Let the committee know your names if you fancy playing. Turn up and support the event.
Saturday 17th August Gents pairs at Wilmslow Bowling Club Let the committee know your names if you fancy playing BUT same day
Saturday 17th August JD Trophy quarter, semi and finals day at our club (2nd part of competition)

Contact us-
Email - Sandra McDermott- vsmcdermott@ntlworld.com
Phone- Sandra McDermott-
0161 282 1805
Phone- Gillian Johnson- 07836 745 761
Visit our Facebook page
The Bowls club is firmly recognised as one of the most popular in the area. Initially a Men’s only club, ladies are now an integral part of the club and have been since 1954.
The season stretches from March to October enjoying a comprehensive list of fixtures and many internal friendly matches. Also competitive bowling for a number of trophies.
In addition the club has teams in the Cheshire Alderley Edge Bowling league. Thursday afternoon mixed, and Friday afternoon men’s veterans. There are plenty of opportunities for social bowling with fellow members

Ladies day is Tuesday, Men’s Day Wednesday, with most other days available for social activities, outings and bank holiday round robins with tea and refreshments. The bowls section enjoys the privacy of their own pavilion but as part of the sports club enjoys the use of the newly refurbished club house and bar where they meet up with other sections Cricket Lacrosse and Tennis for inter club activities and social gatherings. We are lucky to have a green keeper to maintain the area to the highest standard.

New members are always welcome. Why not drop in for a free session or two before you join.
Bowling is a lifelong sport for all ages and can keep you active well into retirement and beyond.
Membership which covers a 12 month period allows for full use of the main club bar with special prices for members.

Cheadle (Kingsway) Sports Club Ltd
225 Kingsway,